
Showing posts from February, 2023

What Even is Old School Gaming? (Part 6) NPCs Gotta Have Class!

  Welcome to Part 6 of our series on "What Even is Old School Gaming." I think this, Part 6, is going to be the last part. I've been carefully considering whether we got all the bullet points covered on "What Even is Old School Gaming",  and I think we've really covered just about everything that really matters to make a game feel old school, no matter what system, or edition, or game you're playing. If there's something else that you'd like to bring up just please mention it in the comments or get a hold of me on our Discord server and I'll be sure to address it. Also, many of you have been talking to me on Discord, either by voice chat or texting back and forth, and you have been asking for topics and giving me cool feedback that deserves response, so I'm actually backlogged right now for topics to cover with this channel. The title of this final part of the series is "NPCs Gotta Have Class." Now, I've been playing D&D...