What Even is Old School Gaming? (Part 5) The Monsters Actually Have to be a THREAT
Hey, there, Old School Gamers! Today we have Part 5 for you of our series on "What Even is Old School Gaming". Part 5 here is called "The Monsters Actually Have to be a THREAT." This is an extension of Part 4 about how player characters should actually be able to permadie, although it should be rare. One of the things that I noticed about 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons, is that the monsters and creatures are incredibly, incredibly nerfed. Now, the whole reason to get into this is because nerfed monsters mean that they're not challenging. Not being challenged eventually makes D&D, for Old School Gamers anyway, seem stale. After several sessions of simply stomping through every situation like you're a god, it's going to get a little old for the true old school gamer, kind of boring. And that's because there was no risk and with no risk you never really earned anything. These days there's a pop culture awareness of brain chemistry in term...